Qui a tue Massinissa?

Qui a tué Massinissa?

Le gendarme Mestari Merabet, qui a tué le jeune Massinissa Guermah, le 18 avril 2001, dans les locaux de la brigade de la Gendarmerie nationale de Béni Douala, (wilaya de Tizi Ouzou), a été libéré, hier, nous apprendra son avocat.

Quelles sont les raisons qui ont poussé Massinissa à se rapprocher des Romains?

Faute de pouvoir le détacher des Carthaginois, il lui demande d’intervenir pour mettre fin au conflit entre Rome et Carthage. Syphax propose que les Carthaginois évacuent l’Italie, où ils sont en campagne, en échange de quoi les Romains quitteraient l’Afrique.

Qui a trahi Massinissa?

Sophonisbe, la reine tragique, veuve de Syphax, vieux roi des Masaesyles, vaincu par les escadrons numides du fougueux Massinissa qu’il surnommait «le petit roquet des Massyles», était l’enjeu – avec Carthage la capitale punique – entre le roi numide et le général romain Scipion.

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What is Scipio Africanus best known for?

Scipio Africanus, also called Scipio Africanus the Elder, Latin Scipio Africanus Major, in full Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus, (born 236 bce —died 183 bce, Liternum, Campania [now Patria, Italy]), Roman general noted for his victory over the Carthaginian leader Hannibal in the great Battle of Zama (202 bce), ending the Second Punic War.

Who was Scipio Africanus in the Second Punic War?

Scipio Africanus Biography. Scipio Africanus was a talented Roman general who commanded the army that defeated Hannibal in the final battle of the Second Punic War in 202 B.C. Synopsis. Born in Rome in 236 B.C., Scipio Africanus was a member of a patrician Roman family. His father, a Roman consul, was killed during the Second Punic War.

Who was Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus?

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus was a Roman general and statesman who saved Rome and defeated Hannibal, laying the foundation for Rome’s overseas expansion. Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus (236-183 BCE) had a fascinating life.

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When did Scipio die?

He died circa 183 B.C. in Liternum. Publius Cornelius Scipio, who would become famed Roman general Scipio Africanus, was born in Rome, Italy, in 236 B.C. His patrician family was one of Rome’s five great families.