Quel age a post Malone?

Quel âge a post Malone?

26 ans (4 juillet 1995)
Post Malone/Âge

Où habite post Malone?

Post Malone/Lieux de résidence

Quel est le vrai nom de post Malone?

Austin Richard Post
Post Malone, de son vrai nom Austin Richard Post est un rappeur américain, né le 4 juillet 1995 à Syracuse, dans l’Etat de New-York.

Quelle particularité apparente à post Malone?

Le résultat est éclectique, mais efficace. La musique de Post Malone s’apparente à un Long Island Iced Tea : les ingrédients sont assez forts séparément, mais une fois combinés, ils forment un mélange qui se boit facilement. Et assez rapidement, on atteint l’ivresse.

Comment post Malone a trouvé son nom?

Le rappeur de 25 ans, devenu célèbre à la fin de son adolescence, a avoué la nature aléatoire de son surnom dans une interview vidéo avec Vice, admettant que pendant qu’il était à l’école, il avait simplement mis son vrai nom d’Austin Post dans le générateur et a obtenu le désormais le pseudonyme emblématique de Post …

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Quelle taille fait post Malone?

1,84 m
Post Malone/Taille

How old is Post Malone?

Malone was born on July 4, 1995, in Syracuse, New York. He was raised by his father, Rich Post, and his stepmother, Jodie. His father had been a DJ in his youth and introduced Malone to many different genres of music including hip hop, country, and rock.

What kind of music does Post Malone do?

Post Malone. He has gained acclaim for blending musical genres including pop, trap and rock, his introspective songwriting, and his laconic vocal style. Born in Syracuse, New York and raised in Grapevine, Texas, Post first attained recognition in 2015 following the release of his debut single  » White Iverson  » which peaked in the top 20 on…

Does Post Malone have a YouTube channel?

© 2021 Google LLC Post Malone – YouTube The official Post Malone YouTube Channel.www.postmalone.com The official Post Malone YouTube Channel. www.postmalone.com

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Who is Malone and why is he famous?

Malone has always had a love for emo music, and appeared for a DJ set at Emo Nite in Los Angeles in June 2017, playing My Chemical Romance at the event. According to Post, his first foray into professional music began when he was in a heavy metal band.