Ou Jacques Cartier a plante sa croix?

Où Jacques Cartier à plante sa croix?

En juillet 1534, Cartier arrive de Percé après avoir exploré la baie des Chaleurs. Il entre dans la baie de Gaspé pour se mettre à l’abri de forts vents. Le 24 juillet, il profite de son escale pour planter une croix, symbole de la prise de possession du territoire par le roi de France.

Où est la croix de Jacques Cartier?

La Croix de Gaspé est une croix en granite érigée le 25 août 1934 à Rivière-à-Pierre, situé dans la Batiscanie, en la province de Québec, Canada. Elle rappelle la croix érigée par l’équipage de Jacques Cartier lors du premier voyage d’exploration du golfe du Saint-Laurent.

What were Jacques Cartier reasons for exploration?

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Reasons of Exploration. Jacques Cartier went to explore Canada in order to find gold, diamonds and other riches, as well as a new route to Asia. But he came back without finding a new passage to Asia nor with gold or diamonds. When he came back to France he brought back with him quartz crystal and iron pyrites thinking it was gold and diamonds.

What was the reason Jacques Cartier was exploring?

Reason for Sailing. Jacques Cartier was a French explorer. In 1531 Jacques Cartier set out on an expedition to find the Northwest Passage. This was the same passage John Cabot looked for when he was trying to find a route through North America that led to the Pacific Ocean.

What is the reason for Jacques Cartier’s exploration?

Cartier was commissioned (initially in 1534) by King Francis I of France to lead an expedition westward across the Atlantic Ocean to explore the northern reaches of North America in pursuit of discovering gold, spices, and a passage to Asia. In 1541 he was charged with helping to establish a colony in North America.

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What was Jacques Cartier motivation to explore?

Jacques Cartier’s motivation was to find a passage to China and also to find precious metals in the area. He was sponsored by King Francis 1 of France . On Jacques Cartier’s first voyage, he was successful in finding a passage to China, or so he thought.