Ou Cesar a vaincu Pompee?

Où César a vaincu Pompée?

Quittant le Nil, César continue sa lutte en Afrique contre les armées de Caton et Scipion, ainsi qu’en Espagne où les deux fils de Pompée seront finalement vaincus à la bataille de Munda en 45 av. J. -C.

Qui a gagné la bataille de Pharsale?

Bataille de Pharsale : Victoire de César sur Pompée Pharsalus. C’est le 9 août 48 avant J. -C., sur une plaine de Thessalie proche de la ville de Pharsale, que s’est tenue la bataille qui a décidé de la fin de la seconde guerre civile.

Qui tue Pompée?

J. -C. contre les forces de César, qui se termine par sa défaite lors de la bataille de Pharsale, Pompée se réfugie en Égypte, où il est assassiné sur l’ordre de Ptolémée XIII, sur la plage de Péluse le 28 septembre 48 av. J.

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How did the struggle for political hegemony between Caesar and Pompey begin?

The struggle for political hegemony in the Roman Empire between Caesar and Pompey began when the Roman Senate, under the influence of Pompey, refused to accept Caesar’s offers of compromise.

What happened to Pompey in the Battle of Pompeii?

Finding that Pompey was at that southern Italian port on the Adriatic, Caesar marched his army there. On the way, one of Pompey’s engineering officers was captured. Caesar used his capture in an effort to negotiate, though Pompey apparently did not respond to the proposals.

How did Pompey’s intelligence units help him defeat Caesar?

Although initially fooled by Caesar, Pompey’s intelligence units allowed him to quickly reassess and maintain “close contact with the intentions of [his] enemy.”

Why did Pompey want to contest every hilltop in Rome?

Pompey sought to contest each hilltop, thereby making the effort more difficult. In capturing the farthest outposts possible, Pompey intended to cause Caesar to stretch his lines farther, and thinner, thereby exposing weak spots in the line.

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