Comment devenir Taskeur?

Comment devenir Taskeur?

Comment puis-je m’inscrire pour proposer des services de bricolage ou de petits travaux via TaskRabbit? Visitez simplement et téléchargez l’appli pour Taskeur pour commencer à recevoir des demandes de Tasks et proposer vos services.

Comment payer TaskRabbit?

Connectez-vous à votre compte. Cliquez sur Compte dans le coin supérieur droit de l’écran. Cliquez sur Infos de facturation. Choisissez votre mode de paiement si vous y êtes invité, sinon saisissez vos nouvelles informations de carte bancaire, puis cliquez sur Enregistrer.

Comment contacter Task Rabbit?

Comment discuter avec votre Taskeur ou l’appeler sur l’appli TaskRabbit : Dans l’appli, appuyez sur l’onglet Tasks au bas de l’écran. Dans l’onglet Planifié, appuyez sur le bouton Chat à côté de votre Task. Pour appeler votre Taskeur, sélectionnez l’icône téléphone sur l’écran du Chat.

What is TaskRabbit and how does it work?

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The service also provides access to verified ratings and reviews. You can use TaskRabbit to find nearby Taskers, read about previous clients’ experiences, compare hourly rates and share your own reviews. If you’re looking to hire help for a project or service, TaskRabbit can be a great resource for finding freelancers in your area.

What are TaskRabbit elites?

Thus, TaskRabbit Elites are those rabbits/taskers whose work has received most love and can be considered as highly skilled or professional. Elite taskers are provided with a label so that they can be differentiated easily.

How do I cancel a task on TaskRabbit?

How to Cancel TaskRabbit If you need to cancel a task, you can do so from the web or the TaskRabbit app. From the website, click the small circle with three dots in the task window. Then, click “cancel.” From the app, click on the “tasks” tab and choose the task.

Who is the CEO of TaskRabbit?

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A seasoned leader with deep expertise across a variety of multi-sided marketplaces, Ania joined TaskRabbit as chief executive officer in August 2020. Ania brings more than 20 years of experience in global business operations and strategic planning, as well as a passion for making everyday life easier for everyday people.